Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Frame and Wheel news

Frame and Wheel news for the first half of 2012
I am pleased to report that the first half of the year has gone very well. There is new and repeat local business as well as new and repeat business from out of state. I have completed almost 400 transactions that meet or exceed expectations of buyers and sellers. Sellers are using the service to sell very nice bikes (Colnago, Serotta, Trek, Cervelo) and wheels (Lightweight, Zipp, HED) and a huge variety of new, underused and used cycling gear. Buyers have stated that they are pleased with the fast shipping, the accurate descriptions and the responsive emails. Many buyers have said that they will use the service again. I have learned how to identify and describe classic Campagnoloa components and continue to improve the quality of the images and the descriptions. There have been a few bumps along the way, but I have responded quickly and decisively to resolve them to make sure buyers and sellers are satisfied. The primary challenge has been managing back office administration. There is a lot of paper work and accounting involved and it takes up a lot of time. Consequently, Frame and Wheel is switching to the same fee structure that eBay uses for individual auction style listings. This approach applies a single final value fee of 9% to the total transaction value (final value price plus shipping plus Product Analysis and Service charge) up to a maximum amount, which for Frame and Wheel is $400.00. This change will speed up administration and ultimately allow the entire process to be carried out digitally. The change is effective 19 June 2012. Thank you again for your business so far and I look forward to working with you during the second half of the year
Fred Thomas
President - Frame and Wheel, Inc. 

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